1. Communication in Oral/Written English

This semester in my Wellness class, we had to do an oral presentation using technology on a related topic of our choice. I chose to do a presentation on the potential health benefits of a low carb diet. I've chosen to include my annotated bibliography for the presentation, as well as my notes. I believe this assignment is a good example of effective communication because it required finding and evaluating credible sources to support my research and then utilizing those sources correctly and combining them with my own thoughts in my presentation. 


When I began, I had trouble finding credible sources on my topic. I consulted with a librarian in the LRC and began to find some useful sources of sufficient quality to include in my research. Ultimately, I ended up with more information than I needed for my presentation. This complicated things because this particular presentation had a five minute time limit, and if I am not careful I have a tendency to go over my allotted time with oral presentations. I had to condense and streamline all my information to not only fit all my key points into my slideshow, but to keep myself within the time constraints and keep the audience's attention. 

Wellness Presentation
Adobe Acrobat Document 81.8 KB

2. Critical analysis and reasoning

reflection goes here

3. Technological competency

reflection goes here

4. Information literacy

reflection goes here

5. Scientific and quantitative reasoning

reflection goes here

6. Diverse expression and perspectives

reflection goes here

7. Values and ethical frameworks

reflection goes here